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Recycling 101

Did you know that the concept of recycling dates back to Roman times? American researchers in Pompei, have discovered that a system of using and reusing cycles set up there dates to 79 AD. The mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle” is indeed so well-known, it may feel ancient to some of us. However, the European Environment Agency found that the average recycling rate in the European Union is only 39%, which is not enough to meet the Paris Agreement goals of achieving and maintaining the circular economy.

As Hotelschool the Hague puts the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at the core of our vision and objectives, it is crucial to educate the future leaders on the importance of greater resource efficiency in businesses, but also in their households. As our students in Phase 1 live in Skotel facilities, we wanted to create systems for facilitating the recycling process for all the houses.

In August 2020, the HTH Sustainability Committee already contributed to the Skotel houses by proving new recycling containers. However, to ensure that those containers are used effectively, the Committee has also prepared recycling signs for each of the houses, as well as the recycling station in portacabins. The signs have been prepared in accordance with The Hague Municipality waste separation guidelines and domonstarte the allowed and forbidden items for Paper, Plastic and Glass containers.

If you live in the Hague and need some guidance on waste separation, reach out to the HTH Sustainability Committee on their Instagram page for an electronic version of the poster.

Remember, when it comes to sustainability, every small step goes a long way!

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